Hellooooo! welcome to my site.

I want to introduce myself on this occasion.
My name is Firda Cahya Febriani, my age 17 years old for this time.
I am the first child in my parents.

I am stubborn, captious, sometimes selfish and dont care about other people's feelings. However, some of my friends say that I am cheerful and mature. Indeed, I would rather entertain all my friends even though I'm the only who knows that my heart is being so sad.

I really liked the movie, chocolate and ice cream, novel, and the final challenge.

Movie. Movie indirectly gave me life lessons. Conflict and how the solution contained in a film indirectly taught me about life.

Chocolate & ice cream. Chocolate and ice cream makes me calm. Like ecstasy isn't it? haha yes, I think of chocolate as moodboster if my heart is being erratic. When stress or a lot of thought, sometimes chocolate and ice cream can make better and quieter.

Novel. Same novel as a movie, but differ only in the way of presentation. Through audio-visual films while the novel through writing.

The last one I adore. Challenge. I think, every challenge is a part of life, and life wouldn't be so mean without any challenge.

Okay, so maybe only an introduction on this occasion. Happy reading!


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